Results of the media campaign “This is life, not film” presented

During May and June 2019, as part of EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, a media campaign was conducted to raise public awareness of the problems and lives of migrants and refugees in the Republic of Serbia. The products and results of the campaign, which is recognizable by the...

Celebrating Diversity brings together locals and migrants

As part of EU Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia, Novi Sad, as the largest city in northern Serbia, was selected yesterday to discuss the migrant crisis in Serbia. The media was presented with data and information on migrants and local communities facing these challenges in our...

Residents of Sid as “live books”

“Live Books” - a concept that refers to people as books with their unique titles, had the opportunity to be read by media representatives, citizens of Sid and beneficiaries of the Reception Center in Sid yesterday, 25 July 2019. This concept is realized within the activity “Celebrating Diversity”. During this...

Third media workshop held in Belgrade

How does Serbia handle migration? What is the current situation regarding migrants and refugees temporarily residing in Serbia? What are the obstacles the country faces when it comes to migration - these are just some of the many sub-topics that were opened at the third media workshop held in Belgrade...

Parents, migrants and children together in eco-action in Stubline

This week we organized an eco-action in Stubline near Obrenovac on the football field of FC Posavina as part of the activity "Celebrating Diversity". The children enjoyed playing football, while their parents and coaches of the club were joined in the eco-action by the beneficiaries of the Reception Center in...

Premiere of the documentary “Close(d)”

“CLOSE(D)“, a 40-minute documentary showcasing migration issues in Serbia, focusing on migrants from Asia and Africa, was premiered on Thursday 18 July 2019 at 8 pm in the movie theater of Jugoslovenska kinoteka in Belgrade. It was filmed in the course of November 2018 – June 2019. The documentary shows,...

Football matches for socializing without borders

On the occasion of their 90th birthday, FC "Napredak Vasica" hosted a friendly match with FC "Partizan". Prior to the friendly match, as part of the "Celebrating Differences" activities carried out as part of the European Union Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia, other matches were organized with...

“Live Books” for the second time in Obrenovac

Today, the representatives of the media and citizens of Obrenovac had the opportunity to attend an event called "Live Books" for the second time - a concept that refers to people as books that have their unique titles. In the second in a series of events, the “Live Books” were...

Migration talks in Nis today

Within the framework of the European Union Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia, Niš, as the largest city in southern Serbia, was selected as the place to discuss migration issues in Serbia. This was a way to present data and information on migrants and local communities facing...

“Live books” today in Obrenovac

Today, the representatives of the media and residents of Obrenovac and the vicinity had the opportunity to attend an event called "Living Books" for the first time - a concept that refers to people as books that have their unique titles. It was the first in a series of Live...