One click for more knowledge for migrant and local students from Vranje

“One click for new knowledge and skills” is the title of the workshop organized today for students of the Secondary School for Economics and Trade in Vranje and migrant children from the Reception Centre in this city. This was a chance for them to acquire the basic computer skills, to...

Migrants from Bujanovac took part in futsal tournament

The sports hall in Bujanovac hosted a futsal tournament gathering migrants accommodated at the Reception Centre in this town and players of the Bujanovac futsal club (KMF Bujanovac). Two teams from each group showed their futsal skills, and in addition to playing, the tournament participants had the chance to get...

Renovated Reception Center for Migrants Opened in Bosilegrad

H.E. Sem Fabrizi, Ambassador and Head of EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia, opened renovated premises of the Migrant Reception Center in Bosilegrad today. Together with Mr. Vladimir Cucic, Commissioner for Refugees and Migration, Mr. Vladimir Zaharijev, Mayor of Bosilegrad, and Ms. Lidija Markovic, Head of the IOM Office in Serbia, he...

Panel discussion “Women of the East and the West” – the opportunity to socialize and exchange experiences about life in a macho society

Women of the East and the West differ in how they live and what their position in the society is. However, there are also similarities primarily that in Serbia, which is the West for Afghanistan and Iran, which are the countries of origin of the majority of migrants accommodated in...

Workshop “When T-shirts tell stories” in the Reception Centre in Adasevci

Migrants from the Reception Centre in Adasevci near Sid participated today in the workshop “When T-shirts tell stories”, where they had the chance to paint the front parts of T-shirts with how they see their future. Special pedagogue Dragan Veselinovic said that the workshop lasts for two days and that...

Migrants from the Asylum Centre in Krnjaca visited the “Nikola Tesla” museum

Migrants from the Asylum Centre in Krnjaca, children and their parents, visited the “Nikola Tesla” museum in Belgrade today, where they could learn about the life and work of the famous scientist with the help of a professional guide. Representative from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Aleksandra Misic, said...

Study visit to Turkey for representatives from Pirot, Vranje and Sid

Representatives of local self-governments, public health institutes and primary health care centres from Vranje, Pirot and Sid visited specialized institutions for health care of migrants and refugees in Izmir, Turkey in the period from 11 to 13 December 2018. The aim of this visit was to exchange experiences and good...

Migrant women made citizens of Vranje happy by bringing them gifts

Today, migrant women accommodated in the Reception Centre in Vranje, made beneficiaries of Vranje’s Centre for Development of Local Social Protection Services and children with developmental disabilities accommodated in the day-care in this city happy by bringing them New Year gifts. Among other things, migrant women from Afghanistan and Iran...

Children from Pirot made Christmas tree decorations

Children from the preschool institution “Cika Jova Zmaj” and migrant children from the Reception Centre in Pirot had the opportunity today to socialize, make Christmas decorations and hang them on the Christmas tree during the creative workshop organized in the kindergarten “Prvomajski cvet”. Representative of the United Nations Development Programme...

Kindergarten from Bujanovac gets a valuable donation from the European Union

Migrant children from the Reception Centre in Bujanovac and their peers from the preschool institution “Nasa radost” from Bujanovac had the chance today to socialize and have fun with the stage play “Santa Claus and three Christmas trees” performed by preschool teachers from that institution. The kids were happy to...