Migrant girls received awards at the literary competition in Aleksinac

At the 22nd Literary Festival “Gordana Brajovic” in Aleksinac, which traditionally announces the awards for the best book for children and youth and best student works in the area of prose and poetry, this year’s awards for the first two places went to migrant girls from the Asylum Centre in...

Event organized in Sombor to mark the upcoming Easter holidays

Migrant children from Iraq and Afghanistan accommodated at the Reception Centre in Sombor organized an event today at the premises of the Red Cross in this city on the occasion of the Orthodox Easter. They sang songs they use to mark the biggest Muslim religious holidays. Katarina Ivanovic, on behalf...

Last year, migrants in Serbia were provided with 100,000 health care services

Last year, migrants in Serbia were provided with 100,000 various health care services, from the smallest ones to more complex services. Those services were provided within the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia. Marjan Ivanusa, the World Health Organization (WHO) Representative in Serbia, said today in a press statement...

Migrants and scouts cleaned the illegal waste dump in Obrenovac

Today, migrants from the Reception Centre in Obrenovac, together with the Scout Squad “Zvezdan Nedeljkovic” and with the support from the public utility company from this town, cleaned the illegal waste dump at the site of the former wood processing factory “Bora Markovic” in Zabrezje.   Radmila Borozan, on behalf...

Migrants marked the Earth Day with a field trip to Bujanovac Lake

On the occasion of 22 April, the Earth Day, a joint field trip to Bujanovac Lake was organized for migrants from the Reception Centre in Bujanovac and volunteers of the Red Cross of Bujanovac. They used this trip to clean the picnic area by the lake, to go fishing and...

Migrant children and children from Vranje made bird houses together

Today, migrant children from the Reception Centre in Vranje and children from the Primary School “Radoje Domanovic” participated in the educational and creative Ecological Workshop, organized within the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia. At the workshop, organized in the school's courtyard, children listened to a brief lecture about...

Migrant children from the Centre for accommodation of foreign juveniles without parental care at sports class

Migrant children from the Centre for accommodation of foreign juveniles without parental or custodian care in Čukarica, today have participated in sports and recreation class together with children from Primary School “Miroslav Antić”, learning how to acquire healthy habits. Jelena Marić Luković, said on behalf of the EU Support to...

Football Tournament in the Reception Center in Obrenovac

Football pitch in the Reception Centre in Obrenovac was yesterday the scene of real football matches. The teams competed in futsal included migrants from the Rescue Centre in Obrenovac, staff of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, and visiting teams of migrants from the Asylum Centre in Krnjača and the...

Certificates for beauty technician delivered to migrants in the Reception center in Sombor

Certificates have been delivered today in the Reception center in Sombor to ladies who successfully completed a course for assistant beautician for pedicure and manicure. The training course for 11 lady migrants was organized by the International Organization for Migrations (IOM) in collaboration with the School for Primary Education of...

Children’s playground at the Palic Zoo refurbished through joint forces

Students of the primary school “Matko Vukovic”, volunteers of the Youth Office and migrants currently staying at the Reception Centre in Subotica, joined forces today to refurbish the children's playground at the Palic Zoo. The result is a nicer environment for all visitors, especially the youngest ones. They distributed paintbrushes...