Migrant Children joined the “Royal Carnival“ in Banja Koviljaca

On Sunday, 23 June 2019, Banja Koviljaca hosted 9th “Royal Carnival”, which gathered 29 carnival groups from Serbia and the region. Civic Association “Royal Carnival”, with the support from the City of Loznica, local community Banja Koviljaca, Tourism Organization of Loznica and Cultural Centre “Vuk Karadzic”, has been traditionally organizing a...

Activities under the slogan ‘’Celebrating diversity” presented in Šid

Alongside the friendly gathering and conversation with migrants and refugees, the residents of the city of Šid and the representatives of authority institutions and organizations have been introduced to the activities under the slogan ‘’Celebrating diversity” in Šid today. These activities are being realized as part of the European Union support to...

Two-day workshop for media representatives in Nis

What are the consequences of fake news and sensationalistic reporting about the migrant population staying in Serbia? How to maintain the professional standards of journalism, provide quality, relevant and timely information to citizens? What are the challenges faced by representatives of the institutions of the Government of the Republic of...

Through sport to better understanding

On Sunday, 16 June 2019, a sports event was organized on the river Bosut in Visnjicevo (municipality of Sid) during the international regatta and U21 kayaking competition, within the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia. The participants were children from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia.     The...

Workshop “From a friend to a friend” organized in Tutin

A creative workshop titled “From a friend to a friend” was organized yesterday at the child-friendly space in the Asylum Centre in Tutin. Children from the Preschool Institution “Habiba Stocevic”, together with migrant children from the Asylum Centre, made gifts for each other. On this occasion, the children and their...

First regional workshop for representatives of the media organized

The first in the series of workshops for representatives of the media on the topic of migration management was organized in Novi Sad on 6 and 7 June 2019.   The aim of the workshops within the EU Support to Municipalities and Cities Hosting Migrants is to improve the cooperation...

School Day of the Primary School “Vera Blagojevic” marked in Banja Koviljaca

As a part of the celebration of the School Day of the Primary School “Vera Blagojevic” in Banja Koviljaca on 16 May 2019, students from the school, including migrant children, took part in the school event. This occasion was used to present, for the first time, one part of the...

Spring cleaning of the Asylum Centre in Krnjaca

Within the spring cleaning of the City of Belgrade, a joint action was organized for cleaning the area surrounding the Asylum Centre in Krnjaca, with the aim of creating a healthier and cleaner environment for all residents of this part of the city. The activity gathered migrants accommodated at the Asylum...

Workshop “Creative Gastronomy” for young migrants in Nis

Today, migrant children accommodated at the Institute for Youth Education in Nis and students of the Secondary School of Tourism and Hospitality prepared culinary specialities from Afghanistan and Serbia within the workshop “Creative Gastronomy”.   Jelena Maric Lukovic, on behalf of the EU Support to Municipalities and Cities Hosting Migrants,...

Migrants from Obrenovac played cricket

At the Cricket Federation of Serbia's pitches, a cricket tournament was organized on 4 May 2019 between migrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan accommodated at the Reception Centre in Obrenovac.   The Cricket Federation leadership hosted the players, provided the necessary equipment and made sure, through professional refereeing and support, that...