Migrants also participated in a table tennis tournament in the Home “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” in Belgrade

Today, migrant children in the Home “Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj” in Belgrade, together with children and young people from the local population, redecorated the balcony in a joint activity. After that, they participated in a table tennis tournament. There are 10 migrant children without parental care staying at the home, along...

Female migrants from Sid at the workshop on women’s reproductive health

Female migrants from the Reception Centre in Sid, female secondary school students and women from the local community, participated today at the workshop on women’s reproductive health. This was an opportunity for them to learn how to preserve their health in all situations in life. Dr Dragan Kojic, gynaecologist at...

Migrant children and students from primary school “Mile Dubljevic” in Bogovadja in a joint multimedia class

Today, migrant children from the Asylum Centre in Bogovadja and lower-grade students from the primary school “Mile Dubljevic” from this town attended a joint multimedia class “The world around us”, where they learned how to use the information available on virtual channels. Biljana Zujovic, the principal of the primary school...

Migrants and citizens of Vranje treated themselves to cakes for Persian New Year

Today, children from the Reception Centre for Migrants in Vranje shared decorated cakes with people in the city's pedestrian zone. It was their way of marking the Persian New Year – Nowruz, which is celebrated today in Iran and Afghanistan, and coincides with the beginning of spring. Deputy Mayor of...

Spring renovation of the courtyard of the Centre for Social Work in Bosilegrad

Today, a joint spring renovation activity was organized in the courtyard of the Centre for Social Work in Bosilegrad and it gathered the migrants accommodated at the Reception Centre “Bosilegrad” and members of the local community. Within the joint activity, the Centre for Social Work “Bosilegrad” was also provided with...

Migrants from the Reception Centre in Obrenovac rehabilitated the septage pumping station

Today, migrants from the Reception centre in Obrenovac painted and rehabilitated the septage pumping station, operating within the utility company “Water Supply and Sanitation”, which was flooded in 2014. Jelena Maric Lukovic said on behalf of the EU Support to Municipalities and Cities Hosting Migrants that painting and rehabilitating the...

Migrant women exhibited their work at the handicrafts fair in Banja Koviljaca

Today, migrants from the Asylum Centre in Banja Koviljaca exhibited their works at the selling exhibition in Loznica together with the local population. Representative of the International Organization for Migration Dragica Lakanovic said that the fair was organized on the occasion of the International Women's Day, on 8 March, and...

Exhibition of photographs taken by migrants from the Reception Centre in Subotica opened

At the Modern Art Gallery in Subotica, the exhibition of photographs taken by migrants from the Reception Centre in this city was opened, under the title “Life through the lens of migrants in Serbia”. Radmila Borozan from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said that the exhibition has around 40...

Workshop “What do you know about traffic”

The workshop titled “What do you know about traffic” that gathered migrant children and students of three primary schools from Kikinda was organized today in this city. Jelena Maric Lukovic, on behalf of the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, said that the aim of the workshop is for...

Primary school students and migrants from Sombor together in a disaster rescue exercise

Today, students of the primary school “Ivo Lola Ribar” in Sombor and migrants from the Reception Centre in that city performed the final exercise of giving first aid in disasters. The two-month training “Preparedness and disaster response”, which was completed by 20 migrants and several dozens of students from the...