Art workshop with migrant children in Krnjača

The professors of the Secondary Technical School "Drvo Art" have designed creative workshops of art, graphics and stained glass, in which migrant students create together with the students of the "Drvo Art" school, on the topic of the life of migrants. The goal of the "One Picture - Thousand Words" project is to better include...

Paper robots from migrant children imagination

Migrant children accommodated at the Kranjača Asylum Center attend classes online during the coronavirus pandemic. The children from the fifth to the eighth grade made paper robots in the technical education classes with the teacher-mentor Jasmina Vasić from the Elementary school "Rade Drainac". Their works are such that they deserve...

Plant a seed and make a wish

An action titled "Plant a seed and make a wish" was held at the Vranje Reception Center for Migrants. The migrants, together with members of the organizations working in the Center, planted basil seeds, spice, primrose, oregano, selenium and other herbs in pots made of plastic bottles, which they will...

Asylum and reception centers equipped with mobile oxygen concentrators

In coordination with the Ministry of Health, ten medical oxygen concentrators were procured and distributed to infirmaries in reception/asylum centers in Serbia. Concentrators will be utilized as supportive devices, especially in the context of Covid-19 pandemic, for beneficiaries with chronical and/or acute respiratory conditions. This way, the pressure on the...

Migrants mastered the skills of men’s haircuts

Secondary school "St. Sava" from Sombor realized a workshop on the men's haircuts with migrants who are accommodated in the Sombor Reception Center. After a short video about men's haircuts, the teacher briefly explained the tools and accessories used and the sequence patterns in the haircut process. The migrants then...

Unaccompanied minor migrants provided with all necessary services

During 2020, more than 2,700 minor migrants unaccompanied by parents/guardians were accommodated in the facilities of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration. This represents an increase of more than 60 percent compared to 2019. Out of the total number, 122...

Complete health care provided for migrants

Through EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, migrants are provided with complete health care. Thanks to that, the spread of COVID-19 virus among this population was prevented. Data for the period as of 2015 up to date show the scope of this protection: 267,496 medical services provided; 68 different health care...

Quality Schooling for Every Student

About 400 students attend the high school "Sava Sumanović" from Sid. For the past four years, under our roof, migrant students have been learning, laughing, and hanging out together with their peers from the local area. About 20 migrant students come to us every year. Some stay for one to...

Photo Exhibition “A Story of a Woman” Posted Online

Virtual exhibition "A Story of a Woman", which showcases 33 migrant women from the Vranje Reception Center with flower crowns, is available online as of today at The photographs included in this exhibition were taken at workshops during April and May 2020 and the state of emergency due to the...

Let’s support a healthy smile

On Friday, February 19, 2021, at the Dental Technical School in Belgrade, a program was organized for migrant children and their families on the topic of oral health prevention. The aim was to underline the importance of preventive measures for maintaining dental health. A dental examination for children accommodated in the Asylum...