Asylum and reception centers equipped with mobile oxygen concentrators

In coordination with the Ministry of Health, ten medical oxygen concentrators were procured and distributed to infirmaries in reception/asylum centers in Serbia.

Concentrators will be utilized as supportive devices, especially in the context of Covid-19 pandemic, for beneficiaries with chronical and/or acute respiratory conditions. This way, the pressure on the local healthcare centers, whose capacities are currently limited due to the pandemic, will be further reduced.

Since concentrators are mobile, in case of a need, they could be temporarily relocated to respective local healthcare centers for provision of support to patients from local communities.
In conversation with the medical team in ambulance in the Divljana Reception Center, it was concluded that purchase of concentrators has had an immediate impact on the morale of medical personnel. As they stated, they are now more confident they can cope with the challenges of Covid-19 pandemic.