Good Man Gagi

There have been many heroes among us who have remained unknown. No front-page articles have been dedicated to them nor else have there been any news stories to record and tout their many deeds. When leaving this world, they do so quietly and unassumingly, in much the same way as...

A hair salon opened in the Asylum Center in Bogovađa

The IOM hair salon started operating in the Asylum Center in Bogovađa this August. This activity is coordinated by the IOM Serbia mobile team and supported by the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration. By organizing such activities, migrants and refugees are enabled to be trained in practical skills. As it...

Revisiting the World Humanitarian Day

The European Union support includes direct assistance to migrants and refugees accommodated in reception and asylum centers. This assistance is provided primarily by the staff of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration with support from the representatives of international and non-governmental organizations. One of those representatives is Milica Andjelković Jovanović,...

Extensive works on reconstruction and construction of new facilities for accommodation of migrants financed with EU funds

In addition to accommodation, food provision, health care and education of migrant children, under the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, substantial funds have been invested in improving accommodation conditions, reconstruction of existing and construction of new accommodation facilities. In coordination with the institutions of the Republic of Serbia...

Workshops for migrants in the Reception center in Obrenovac

On the occasion of June 20, World Refugee Day, the mobile team of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) held several group sessions with migrants at the Reception Center in Obrenovac. Most of them come from war-torn countries, where riots are still raging, i.e. from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Somalia and...

Managing migration in the times of COVID-19 epidemic

At the time of the declaration of the state of emergency on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, due to the COVID-19 epidemic, about 5,900 migrants were accommodated in the centers for accommodation of asylum seekers and in reception centers. As of March 15, 2020, and with the declaration...

The movie “Close(d)” screened at the EU Info Center in Belgrade

On Tuesday, 12 November 2019, a documentary on migration, “Close(d)”, was screened at the EU Info Center in Belgrade. The film is authored by Brigitte Kuchar and directed by Boriša Simović. The audience consisted of representatives of the diplomatic corps, international organizations, the non-governmental sector, state institutions involved in migration...

Citizens well informed on migration issues

The Public Opinio Survey, designed to capture public attitudes towards the impact of increased influx of migrants in 19 Serbian local municipalities, was carried out by CeSid (Center for Free elections and Democracy) between 20 and 30 June 2019. The survey was performed as part of the European Union Support...

Obrenovac gets its first solar smart bench

Today, Obrenovac Municipality was handed a solar smart bench, the first of the new generation in Serbia. In addition to the donation a smart bench, Obrenovac was provided with a server within the EU Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia in order to improve the quality of...

Play for children at the Cultural and Educational Center “Sid”

On 22 August 2019, migrant children and their parents had the opportunity to enjoy a children's play hosted by educators and children from Kikinda's Dragoljub Udicki Preschool. The humorous play "The spoiled goes to School" deals with the theme of the flaws and characteristics of people that often become over...