Migrant Children Learn Serbian and Cyrillic Alphabet

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development will continue in 2021 with the support of educational institutions in order to achieve the sustainable inclusion of migrant pupils. One of the most important activities within the EU Support to the Education of Migrants is the realization of small grants. Small grant...

New EU Support to Serbia for Migration Management worth EUR 13 million

The European Union continues to assist Serbia in the management of migration flow, by providing additional EUR 13 million in grant for the 2021 activities. As of 2015, when the increased influx of migrants to the territory of Serbia began, the EU has donated to Serbia over EUR 130 million,...

Migrants’ gifts cheered beneficiaries of the Shelter for Adults and Seniors in Vranje

Today, migrant children accommodated in the Reception Center in Vranje cheered the elders from the Shelter for Adults and Seniors in Vranje with holiday gifts and hand-made greeting cards. This is the fourth year in a row that migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries visit...

Psychosocial support activities and their significance in times of COVID-19 pandemic

In seven reception and asylum centers in Serbia, in spite of the overall situation, psychosocial support workshops are regularly held. In safe and secure spaces, respecting epidemiological regulations, children, young and old, regardless of age or country of origin, learn, develop and express themselves together. The workshops are diverse in...

Improved capacities for accommodation of unaccompanied and separated migrant minors

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, Mateja Norčić Štamcar, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, and Lidija Marković, Head of the International Organization for Migration Office in Serbia, visited the Center for accommodation of unaccompanied and separated migrant minors on the occasion of...

New Pact on Migration and Asylum

Migration is a complex issue, with many facets that need to be weighed together. The safety of people who seek international protection or a better life, the concerns of countries at the EU’s external borders, which worry that migratory pressures will exceed their capacities, and which need solidarity from others....

Prevention Measures Against Coronavirus in Reception and Asylum Centers

Prevention measures against COVID-19 are being implemented in all reception centers and asylum centers. Personal protection measures are also practiced, wearing masks, washing and disinfecting hands, reacting in case of the slightest symptom. At the centers, migrants are informed daily about the situation related to the coronavirus pandemic in the...

Polygon of Knowledge

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development having recognized the importance of supporting educational institutions and trainings for the sustainable inclusion of migrant students has begun with the implementation of a series of activities.  These same activities are being implemented within the framework of the EU Support to Migration...

Active Care Provided for Unaccompanied Minors Migrants

The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran’s and Social Affairs is an active participant in the migration management process in the Republic of Serbia.  The employees of this institution, within the scope of the social protection system, provide accommodation for the aforementioned category of migrants in keeping with the best interests...

Locked down

Yet another movie was produced under the European Union Support to Migration Management in the Republic of Serbia. Locked down is a short documentary, shot at the end of May 2020, i.e., soon after the measures of the state of emergency in Serbia were lifted. It showcases life of migrants and refugees...