Polygon of Knowledge

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development having recognized the importance of supporting educational institutions and trainings for the sustainable inclusion of migrant students has begun with the implementation of a series of activities. 

These same activities are being implemented within the framework of the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia.  One of these is the allocation of small grants to institutions with the aim of improving their capacities for working with the migrant population.  “Vasa Pelagic” primary school is one of 58 schools currently utilizing the aforementioned small grants.


Both teachers and the professional associates belonging to the school are involved in the realization of the project, “Polygon of Knowledge,” which aims to create new educational, entertaining and useful activities for the students, as also a creative space for interactive learning through play.

By means of these organized activities, migrants are taught the Serbian language, rules of Serbian grammar which have been drawn on the polygon located in the school’s playground, the rules for moving on the polygon and short drama related games which are reserved for predetermined stations located on the polygon in question.


The polygon contains an alphabet, tenses, literary genders, days of the week, formulas for calculating the volume and surface area of geometric shapes and bodies, multiplication tables, a school ruler, roman numerals and many other teaching tools.

The “motor range” is one of the best ways of ensuring that those elements which have already been absorbed by the students during lessons are demonstrated and connected as a whole. This further aids skills development, mobility, strength and conditioning.  This polygon helps to integrate the educational curriculum of the majority of subjects addressed in the program.


The utility of these kinds of activities is multifaceted.  Aside from migrant students, students belonging to vulnerable social groups are encouraged to more actively involve themselves within the local community.