PLAC III Project Kick off Conference on 16 April in Belgrade

The opening conference of the Policy and Legal Advice Centre (PLAC III) will be held on Tuesday, 16 April in Belgrade, in the building of the National Bank of Serbia, starting at 10.00. The conference is organised by the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the project PLAC III.
The keynote speakers at the conference will be:
- Representative of the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia
- Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia Mateja Norčič Štamcar
- Head of the Negotiating Team for Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union Tanja Miščević
- PLAC III Project Team Leader Andrej Engelman.
The PLAC III project provides legal support to the Government of the Republic of Serbia during the process of harmonization of national legislation with the EU acquis, at the first place by providing expert assistance in improving the existing and drafting new legislation, as well as by strengthening the capacity of institutions in charge of conducting negotiations with the EU. The main goal of the project, which main beneficiary is the Ministry for European Integration, is to achieve a high level of harmonization of national legislation with EU acquis and successful implementation of these regulations. The project’s beneficiaries are the line ministries and institutions in charge of harmonization of legislation within their negotiating chapters. The two and a half year project, which started in January 2019, is funded by the European Union with more than EUR 2.7 million.
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Negotiation chapters
- Chapter 1: Free movement of goods
- Chapter 3: Right of establishment and freedom to provide services
- Chapter 8: Competition policy
- Chapter 9: Financial services
- Chapter 10: Information society and media
- Chapter 11: Agriculture and rural development
- Chapter 12: Food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary policy
- Chapter 13: Fisheries
- Chapter 15: Energy
- Chapter 16: Taxation
- Chapter 27: Environment
- Chapter 28: Consumer and health protection
- Chapter 32: Financial control
- Chapter 33: Financial and budgetary provisions