Energy efficiency – Ecodesign


As the energy efficiency remains in the focus, support was provided to the Ministry of Mining and Energy in harmonisation of national legislation with EU Ecodesign acquis. From October 2017 to October 2018, the drafts of 23 rulebooks, by which delegated acts (implementing measures – IMs) should be transposed into national legislation were finalised.

The delegated acts/IM include: 932/2012 (Household tumble driers), 617/2013 (Computers and computer servers), 666/2013 (Vacuum cleaners), 813/2013 (Space heaters and combination heaters), 814/2013 (Water heaters and hot water storage tanks), 66/2014 (Domestic ovens, hobs and range hoods), 244/2009 (Non-directional household lamps), 245/2009 (Fluorescent lamps), 278/2009 (External power supplies), 640/2009 and 4/2014 amending 640/2009 (Electric motors), 641/2009 and 622/2012 amending  640/2009 (Circulators), 1194/2012 (Directional lamps), 548/2014 (Power transformers) 1253/2014 (Ventilation units), 2015/1186 (Local space heaters/Energy labelling), 2015/1187 (Solid fuel boilers/Energy labelling), 1254/2014 (Ventilation), 2015/1188 (Local space heaters/Ecodesign), 2016/2281 (Air heating products), 2015/1189 (Solid fuel boilers/Ecodesign) and 2015/1185 (Solid fuel local space heaters).

The list of domestic producers that will have to implement selected acts was also prepared. Transposing selected parts of EU secondary legislation demonstrates further progress in ensuring compliance of the Serbian national legislation with the EU acquis.