Emergency Stocks of Crude Oil and Oil Products


The issue of emergency oil stocks is considered one of the two key benchmarks for opening EU negotiations in Chapter 15 – Energy. Among the main milestones in meeting this benchmark is the presentation of a detailed Action Plan for the alignment of national legislation with the acquis related to emergency 90-day stocks of oil and/or oil products, under the Council Directive 2009/119/EC.

The Republic of Serbia has committed to implement the Directive imposing an obligation to maintain a minimum level of emergency oil stocks by no later than 1 January 2023. In order to progress towards the deadline, the second version of the Action Plan for Establishment and Maintenance of Emergency Oil Stocks of Crude Oil and Oil Products was drafted in July with the support of the PLAC II project expert Krešimir Baranović.

The draft Action Plan provides very practical guidelines for fully establishing emergency oil stocks, using relevant up-to-date data including data on oil supply/consumption and oil infrastructure in Serbia, as provided by the Ministry of Mining and Energy, Administration for Energy Reserves, Directorate for Commodity Reserves, Ministry of Finance – Customs Administration, the Statistical Office of Serbia, Serbian oil industry and other relevant stakeholders.

Relevant EU legislation: