Workshop for healthy growing up of children held in Sjenica

Within the EU Support to Migration Management in Serbia, a counselling for growing up healthy was organized in the Primary Health Care Centre in Sjenica. Children and parents from the migrant and the local population were told about the ways to protect their health and thus improve their health habits.

The head nurse of the Primary Health Care Centre, Milica Kikovic, said that the objective of the workshop is to help migrants, primarily young people, while they are growing up. She explained that the provision of health care to migrants is useful both for the Primary Health Care Centre in Sjenica and for the local population.

“In support of its work with migrants and thanks to the EU donations, the Primary Health Care Centre received two ambulances, we hired tree health care professionals, and we will also get a gynaecological table which will make the work of gynaecologists easier. All of this helps a lot in improving the health of the local population, but also the health of migrants”, added Milica Kikovic.

Jelena Maric Lukovic said on behalf of the EU Support to Municipalities and Cities Hosting Migrants that in addition to donating two ambulances to the Primary Health Care Centre in Sjenica, it is equally important to work with young people and children in order to create healthy lifestyle habits.

“That is precisely why the focus of the workshop was on preserving health. We need to support local institutions that are struggling on a daily basis to overcome all the obstacles, provide the highest quality services and respond urgently to emerging situations. Technical support is equally important, and so are the preventive activities like this”, said Jelena Maric Lukovic.

In the previous period, the European Union provided a donation to Sjenica in the amount of 400,000 euros. These funds were used to procure the appropriate technical equipment for the health care institutions, complete the reconstruction of the Asylum Centre in Sjenica and procure a drinking water tanker truck.