State Aid in Energy Sector


As further harmonization in the field of state aid with a number of EU acquis is planned in the coming period, Serbia needs to get acquainted also with certain acquis regulating state aid, as well as its relation with the environment.

To that end, the PLAC II project provided support to the Ministry of Mining and Energy and other stakeholders involved in state aid activities, i.e. representatives of Public Enterprise Electric Power Industry of Serbia,  PE  Srbijagas,  Elektromreža Srbije,  PE  Transnafta,  Commission  for  State  Aid  Control and Department for State Aid Control of the Ministry of Finance.

During the workshop “State Aid in Energy Sector” organised on 1-2nd February, in cooperation with the Ministry of Mining and Energy and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, the PLAC II project expert Svetlana Šćepanović-Markočević presented the general information on State aid, and provided answers to the questions, such as: Why is State Aid Control needed? What are the rules concerning aid in the area of services of general economic interest (SGEI)? What are various categories of State aid and types of State aid measures?

She also presented the general rules regarding state aid in energy sector and  a case study on State aid in energy sector, complemented by specific information related to the environmental  protection, such as, effects of State aid in energy and in environmental protection areas.